Section: New Software and Platforms


Participants : Thierry Gautier [correspondant] , François Broquedis, Pïerrick Brunet, Philippe Virouleau, Olivier Aumage [RUNTIME project-team, Inria Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest] , Samuel Thibault [RUNTIME project-team, Inria Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest] , Nathalie Furmento [RUNTIME project-team, Inria Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest] , Samuel Pitoiset [RUNTIME project-team, Inria Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest] .

  • ACM: D.1.3

  • License: CeCILL

  • OS/Middelware: Unix (Linux, MacOSX, ...)

  • Programming language: C/C++

  • Characterization of Software : A-3 / SO-2 / SM-3 / EM-2 / SDL-4

  • Own Contribution: DA-4 / CD-4 / MS-4 / TPM-4

  • Additional information:

    The K'Star project (http://kstar.gforge.inria.fr ) supports the development of Klang, a source-to-source compiler that turns C programs with OpenMP pragmas to C programs with calls to either the StarPU or the XKaapi runtime system. K'Star is a collaboration with the EPI RUNTIME/STORM.